Dear customer {tickets___ticket_owner} (User ID {tickets___ticket_user_id}),

We are responding to your ticket with ticket ID {tickets___id} on {tickets___creation_date} as follows:

Ticket data
Ticket ID:   {tickets___id}
Creation time:   {tickets___creation_time}
Modification time:   {tickets___modification_time}
 State:   {tickets___ticket_status}   
Progress:   {tickets___progress}
User data
Ticket owner:   {tickets___ticket_owner}
User ID:   {tickets___ticket_user_id}
Email:   {tickets___ticket_email}
 Subject:    {tickets___ticket_subject}  


Response:   {tickets___ticket_response}


  • If the recent response solved your problem then please edit this ticket and set the progress state to 'Solved'.
  • In case you could otherwise solve the problem then please edit this ticket and set the progress state to 'Cancel'

If the recent response did not solve your problem then edit the ticket and add further information at the end of the description marked by a bar with the date and time like this:

----------- 2020-07-15 12:31
<... Your additions ...>

(You may copy-and-paste the 'modification time' from the ticket header)

You have also the option to delete the entire ticket spotlessly in the ticket overview list with the 'X' button.

Note, that we will normally never delete a ticket.
We set the  ticket state to 'Closed' if the ticket owner (you) has set the progress state  from 'Open' to 'Solved' or 'Cancel'.


Best regards ...

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